IPF/USAPL Rulebook




  • The lifter shall face the front of the platform. The bar shall be held horizontally across the shoulders, hands and fingers gripping the bar, and the top of the bar not more than the thickness of the bar below the outer edge of the shoulders. The diagram on page 18 indicates the legal position of the bar across the shoulders. The hands may be positioned anywhere on the bar inside and or in contact with the inner collars.

  • After removing the bar from the racks, the lifter must move backwards to establish the starting position. When the lifter is motionless, erect with knees locked, and the bar properly positioned the Chief Referee will give the signal to begin the lift. The signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command “Squat”. Before receiving the signal to “squat” the lifter may make any position adjustments within the rules, without penalty. For reasons of safety the lifter will be requested to “Replace” the bar, together with a backward movement of the arm, if after a period of five seconds he is not in the correct position to begin the lift. The Chief Referee will then convey the reason why the signal was not given.

  • Upon receiving the Chief Referee’s signal the lifter must bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees. Only one decent attempt is allowed. The attempt is deemed to have commenced when the lifters knees have unlocked. The bar may move from its starting position downwards on the lifters back the thickness / diameter of the bar during the performance of the lift.

  • The lifter must recover at will to an upright position with the knees locked. Double bouncing at the bottom of the squat attempt or any downward movement is not permitted. When the lifter is motionless (in the apparent final position) the Chief Referee will give the signal to rack the bar.

  • The signal to rack the bar will consist of a backward motion of the arm and the audible command “Rack”. The lifter must then move forward and return the bar to the racks. For reasons of safety the lifter may request the aid of the spotter / loaders in returning the bar to, and replacing it in the racks. The lifter must stay with the bar during this process.



  • The lifter must lie on his back with head, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the bench surface. The feet must be flat on the floor (as flat as the shape of the shoe will allow). His hands and fingers must grip the bar positioned in the rack stands with a thumbs around grip. This position shall be maintained throughout the lift

  • After removing the bar from the racks, with or without the help of the spotter / loaders, the lifter shall wait with elbows locked for the Chief Referee’s signal. The signal shall be given as soon as the lifter is motionless and the bar properly positioned. For reasons of safety the lifter will be requested to “Re-place” the bar, together with a backward movement of the arm, if after a period of five seconds he is not in the correct position to begin the lift. The Chief Referee will then convey the reason why the signal was not given.

  • The signal to begin the attempt shall consist of a downward movement of the arm together with the audible command “Start”.

  • After receiving the signal, the lifter must lower the bar to the chest (the chest, for the purpose of the rule, finishes at the base of the sternum / breastbone), hold it motionless on the chest, after which the Chief referee will signal the audible command “Press”. The lifter must then return the bar to arms length with no excessive / immoderate uneven extension of the arms. When held motionless in this position the audible command “Rack” shall be given together with a backward motion of the arm.


Not Legal Buttocks and Feet   Not Legal Buttocks


Legal Lift


Legal Lift



  • The lifter shall face the front of the platform with the bar laid horizontally in front of the lifters feet, gripped with an optional grip in both hands and lifted until the lifter is standing erect.

  • On completion of the lift the knees shall be locked in a straight position and the shoulders back.

  • The Chief Referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command “Down”. The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless and the lifter is in the apparent finished position.

  • Any rising of the bar or any deliberate attempt to do so will count as an attempt. Once the attempt has begun no downward movement is allowed until the lifter reaches the erect position with the knees locked. If the bar settles as the shoulders come back (slightly downward on completion) this should not be reason to disqualify the lift.


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